Can I cancel or edit my order?

Please review all order details before submission, including: 

  • Your shipping address & email address    
  • Your desired product (ie. Ahi or Albacore, no salt added, etc.)  
  • Quantity of each product 

Cancel an Order:

We can assist with canceling orders that have not yet shipped.  (Please note that canceling or rescheduling your subscription after your order processes will only cancel or reschedule future renewal orders.) Email us at and include"cancel order" and your order number in the subject line.

Edit an Order:

If you made an error in your product, e-mail address, or shipping address, we can cancel the order and issue a replacement shipment if your original order has not shipped. (If the cost of your replacement product exceeds the original product cost, we can simply cancel the original order.) Please email us at and include "cancel order" and your order number in the subject line.

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