Are Safe Catch fish sustainably caught?

Our Albacore Tuna are caught individually using the pole and line, and troll methods.

Our Elite Tuna and our Wild Ahi Yellowfin tuna are school caught, a process also known as FAD-Free (fish aggregating device-free) purse seine.  If demand requires that we use other sources for our Wild Ahi Yellowfin tuna, we may use yellowfin tuna that are caught individually using the pole and troll method.

Our Wild Pink Salmon are caught in a Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified fishery using Set Gillnets, Purse Seine, and Driftnet methods. &

Our Wild Sardines are “free school” purse seine caught in the Eastern Central Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Morocco.  Our sardines are certified by Friend of the Sea to be in compliance with Friend of the Sea Criteria for sustainable fisheries.

Our Wild Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) are sustainably caught using midwater otter trawls and “free-school” purse-seine fishing.

Safe Catch is a proud Ocean Wise Partner and proudly follows the recommendations of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch® program. Sustainable fishing is very important to us.  For more information, check out our Sustainability and Socially Responsible Sourcing Policy.

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